Free Timeshare Advice Articles about timeshare scam.

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Our staff at Mexican Timeshare Solutions have extensive knowledgeable about the timeshare scams perpetrated in the vacation ownership industry and our mission is to share articles about this changing industry in order to prevent innocent vacationers from purchasing timeshares fall under fraudulent premises.

Is a Timeshare Cancellation Company a Scam?

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Timeshares have increased in sales and cancellations. There is no doubt that timeshare is one of the most convenient ways to vacation, but it stops being so in the long term.

Timeshare can cause a lot of problems that do not have an immediate solution. Vacationing is a human need that should not be a problem or cause so much stress.


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How to Cancel a Vacation Plan?

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If you have purchased a timeshare membership and need to cancel your vacation plan, it's important to know that the cancellation process may vary depending on the company you have contracted with.

If you have purchased a vacation plan and are undecided about whether to continue with it or cancel it, here are some common complaints that...

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Vida Lifestyle Timeshare Membership

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Vida Lifestyle Timeshare

Vacationing with family or friends is a unique experience, especially when you go to places as wonderful as those offered by Mexico and other countries in America.

There are resorts or vacation clubs that offer different types of memberships to their guests to provide them with a unique vacation.

Vida Lifestyle is...

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Who Regulates Timeshares in Mexico?

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What are timeshares? Timeshare is the system through which you have the right to use several specific weeks or different nights of a vacation property, during a specific or variable period.

It has remained the most popular method of vacationing in recent decades. The tourism industry has grown drastically, so much so that it is an option ...

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Imperial Gardens Vidanta, it´s a Good Timeshare Membership?

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Timeshares have become an emotional debate for prospective owners, since the acquisition of such a unit is a difficult decision. When there is an interest in acquiring a timeshare, it is important to pay attention to several characteristics:

The time for which you want to acquire said property

Timeshares are the rights to a vacation unit for...

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How Many Years Does a Timeshare Last?

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Vacations are a human need. Everyone needs a few days to relax, meet and share experiences with their loved ones.

It is well known that traveling is not easy, but there are vacation packages that help make the experiences easier.

One style for vacationing is timeshares. In the tourism industry, timeshares play a crucial role since they are...

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Timeshare Fraud: The Hidden Risks of Timeshares

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Timeshare has become a very important business in the world of tourism. In Mexico, the United States and other American countries, timeshares are a convenient way of vacationing for tourists.

By purchasing a timeshare, people can travel for a specific time each year to a desired tourist location.

This sounds great until you realize what goes...

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How Much Does a Timeshare Cost?

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Do you want to go on vacation with your family? Unlike renting a vacation home or hotel, a fractional ownership, or better known as timeshare, allows vacationers and families to own property legally theirs for a specific amount of time each year.

How much does a timeshare cost? It is the most common question when considering purchasing a ...

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Membership with Golden Shores, SCAM?

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The best time of the year, without a doubt, is the holidays. Vacationing is not only a luxury but a necessity for everyone.

Dedicating time to share with the family, discovering new places, traveling, and simply having a few days to do what you please is pure joy.

However, vacationing is not easy and much less cheap. This is a luxury that...

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