Timeshare Scams: 8 Common Lies Told At The Sales Presentation

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Read the following common misrepresentations told at sales presentations:

If you were told at least one of them and purchased based on that promise made by the sales rep, you are a victim of timeshare fraud and need to act now!

Timeshare Presentation Lies

You are a victim of a timeshare scam in Mexico if you were told these statements at a sales presentation: 

"...Our timeshare is a good financial investment."
"...You can rent your timeshare weeks and make a profit."
"...You can sell your timeshare anytime and make a profit."
"...XYC Company will buy your old timeshare for a considerable amount of money."
"...Our timeshare offers you exceptional benefits and discounts for airfare, car rental, cruises, hotels or tours."
"...Our timeshare offers tax advantages."
"...Our timeshare is a deeded or like a deeded property (perpetuity)."
"...Please, sign this waiver rescinding your right to cancel your timeshare within the 5-day rescission period, as we are activating your timeshare today."

If you purchased a timeshare in Mexico under these premises, contact us now to help you cancel your timeshare now.

To receive more information about timeshare scams and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662.

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