TATW Incorporated: Beware of Timeshare Frauds in Mexico

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While vacationing in Mexico, many people become victims of timeshare scams. Learn more about TATW Incorporated and how to keep yourself away from this fraud

Mexico is internationally known for its beautiful beaches and surroundings, which make it one of the top tourist destinations in the world.

As the second country with more timeshare developments, just after the US, it is not a surprise that thousands of timeshare scams are committed every year.

Whether it’s at the airport, on the beach, on the streets, at restaurants or inside the hotel, there are many timeshare salespeople inviting couples and families for a “free tour and breakfast”

People who are not familiar with timeshares are easier to persuade into buying a timeshare; nevertheless, timeshare owners are also potential victims of timeshare scams.

There are some resorts that claim to sell your old timeshare and pay for a new one at their complex with the money obtained from the sale, which is known as a Trade-In.

TATW Incorporated is an intermediary company that works with two of the most well-known timeshare companies in Mexico.


TATW Incorporated

Travel Around The World, Inc., or TATW Incorporated, is a company that claims to resell, transfer and exchange vacation properties while affirming to be the leader in vacation ownership trade-in.

Their services are mainly provided to timeshare developers who accept trade-in properties, but they also work with individual buyers and sellers who are looking to transfer or exchange their ownership.

TATW Incorporated also claims to take properties from seller to buyer quickly and proficiently, even though the company is not accredited by the BBB.

They assure to work with some of the largest resorts in the timeshare industry, and they charge $749 USD as an upfront fee to sell a timeshare, sometimes more, depending on the property. According to their website, their offices are located in Highland, Utah.

Companies they work with:

 Mayan Palace Resorts

Playa Grande Resort

Contact info:

 Director of Operations: Donald Tolis
Telephone number: 866 553 2933
Fax: 775 593 2591
Email: donaldtolis@tatwinco.com
Website: http://tatw.us/

Common Complaints

There have been many complaints against TATW Incorporated, especially because the company, along with Mayan Palace and Playa Grande, is overpromising and underdelivering.

That means they make lots of promises, but none of them are satisfactorily accomplished.

The most common complaint is that the sales representatives at the resort offer a trade-in to the potential buyers, with TATW Incorporated acting as the intermediary company to sell their old timeshare, but most of them end up owning two timeshares since their old timeshare was never sold.

Another complaint is that the transfer fees are very high, starting at $1800. After the first payment, more fees will be requested from the original owners, but the timeshare transfer will never be consummated.

Customer service is lousy, and people never receive answers from the company, only excuses. More complaints were filed at the following sites:

Do not underestimate the ability of a timeshare salesperson to sell timeshares.

They do this every day, and they are pretty good at their job. Many decently intelligent people have fallen victims to these scams.

How to Get Out of a Timeshare Scam?

Every year, thousands of people become victims of timeshare scams in Mexico.

Under the Mexican law, you have a 5 business day rescission period to cancel your timeshare contract, but usually the sales representatives don’t let their buyers know that.

Therefore, many people don’t know they have a period to cancel the contract, and many of them realize they’ve been scammed after the cooling-off period has expired, which makes the timeshare cancellation more difficult.

At Mexican Timeshare Solutions, we assist timeshare purchasers who feel they were scammed or taken advantage of by fraudulent salespeople.

If you, or someone you know, has become a victim of a timeshare scam, contact MTS to learn how we can help you get rid of your unwanted timeshare.

Contact us today for a free consultation and full advice on your timeshare matter. It’s time for you to get away from that contract!

To receive more information about TATW Incorporated and how to cancel your timeshare, send a WhatsApp to +52 333 239 6589, fill out the contact form, or call us at +1 714 277 3662

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